Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fairy in 3D Quilling

  Fairy In 3D Quilling

I haven;t  Made in Fairy in a little while,and  wanted to made something like pretty. <3
So here she is.. : Green Fairy!

I love this Fairy soo much.. so guess what, I made another Fairy too!   :D :D
Here She is : Lollipop Fairy!

So The basic shapes that were used as are follows:
Head- 2 flat discs 'popped out' a little to make it rounded.  
Body- It's a simple cone
Arm sleeves- cones that are squashed a little so they fit to the body nicely.
Hands- grape rolls that are squashed into teardrop shapes. (1mm strips)
Wings- Very simple husking like what was done for "Fairy's".

 Fairy's are made from a combination of strip sizes. 4mm for the body, and 3mm  for everything else. Two fairy's are cute little 7cm tall. that is about 3".

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