Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Origami Lotus

Origami Lotus Flower

When I Intrusted Origami Method, I couldn't stop my self..I Had to give it a try. So the Moment I have Some time to spare...I Goggled How To Make Lotus. I found Some Tutorials On Youtube ..
Following  Some Instructions I Made this..

It's Super easy And, Fun to Make ....

 Unfortunately, I Have to Attend Quilling Project... :(
I will Definitely make more in Future. In different Colors.!!

Thank You!

Monday, February 10, 2014

origami flower ball

Kasudama Ball Ornament

When I Found This Green Papers and Beads, I couldn't resist making some Origami Ornament, This Flower Balls are called Kasudama (medicine) balls.Traditionally made in Japan. They were made with herds and hung in rooms to prevent illness.  Today this ball made from 12 individual Origami Flowers,attach to each other to create this beautiful Ornament.

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